

Mark Reese

 One of Feldenkrais’s first American students, Mark studied with him from 1975, first in Israel and later in the U.S., until Feldenkrais’s death in 1984. Mark played a crucial role in introducing the Feldenkrais Method in the United States, writing articles and conducting some of the first training programs in the U.S. for new Feldenkrais practitioners. A Life in Movement chronicles Feldenkrais’s life alongside the theories and principles that underpin the Feldenkrais Method.  His widow Carol Kress Reese said this about Mark. “His personal imperative was to organize these essentials, and bring them front and center into the education of careful students of the Method. Mark would settle for nothing less than advancing the full spectrum of Feldenkrais’s formulations and innovations, with the emphasis on the realization of each person’s potential.”